Monday 28 January 2013

It's Been A While

So I know I have been MIA for a while, and i wish I could tell you its because I've been working super hard and seeing great results, but it isn't... I don't know why but I can never finish anything, I really am trying. Ok thats a lie, maybe I'm not trying hard enough. 

Here are some things I have been doing that have been working
1) No food after 7 pm unless they are fruits and veggies
2) Lots of tea specifically green tea, no sugar, try adding lemons it gives it a nice citrusy taste yummyyyy
3) I have been wearing my runners more often so that I am more inclined to go for walks or jogs

I know its weigh in day, but Lets say its been postponed till tomorrow! 

We can do this, so Lets Do This!!!!! 

- Rosie J 
P.s here is a great link on how adding lemon to your green tea helps fight cancer!