Monday 31 December 2012


Hey Y'all! So I know I've been MIA for the past two weeks, but they  were a rough two weeks, I think I may have actually gained weight, yikes! But Im trying to get back on track again..again...again..again.. yea I know Im starting to sound like an iPhone commercial haha. Remember stay motivated and Happy and don't let anyone bring you down! Look out for yourself because if you dont care for you no one else will, live love and be happy! 

Heres to a New Year and a new start! 

- Rosie Jay Jay Y'all

Tuesday 11 December 2012


Hey so I measured and weighed myself yesterday! I just totally forgot to post it my bad!! 
So here it goes, all my measurements and weight remained consistent except for my waist line which dropped from 41 inches to 38 inches which is umm AMAZING hell ya! Must be all the core strengthening exercises  I've been doing! 

Here are some great ones I've been trying (Found on Pinterest and google)! 

Saturday 8 December 2012


OK, so here it is the list I've been promising you all. Some of my favourite workout music! YAY! (Please feel free to add to this! Comments are appreciated) ;)

- Blow me (one last kiss) - PINK
- Some Nights - Fun
- Supermassive Black Hole - Muse 
- Thats not my name- The Ting Tings
- This boy that girl - Miley and Iyaz (Not a huge Miley fan but she has a killer body and this is a good song) 
- Payphone - Adam Levine 
- The way she moves 
- We are Never Ever Ever Getting back together - Tswizzle (Taylor Swift) 
- 50 ways to say good by - Train 
- Heart attack - one direction 
- Jessies Girl - Rick springfield 
- Sweet Escape - Akon & Gwen
- So what - Pink 
- Rosie

& Heres something fun I found on Pinterest that you could try:

Wednesday 5 December 2012


So I found this super cool weight loss simulator online!! You just put in you height, weight, and body type, and it shows you what you look like and then you enter your goal weight and it shows you what you could look like! I LOVE IT!! you can even edit your hair colour haha, its fantabulous! So heres a screen shot of me at 227lbs and my goal weight of 150lbs, I'll also attach the link so that you can try it out as well! & remember stay healthy!! 



Dear Diary: 
So today I worked twice! yay! Mostly core strengthening! So far I'm feeling positive and excited about this new endeavour, this online Journal/Diary/Blog has been really helpful. Its nice to have someone to talk to about this, even if it is just me. (Hey no judging I'm awesome! ) I cant wait to weigh/measure myself monday, even if there is no change, i feel better, happier, and thinking maybe I can really do this... and if anyone out there is reading this, I'd love to hear your thoughts or advice, if you have a fitness blog I'd love to follow you, let me know what you think. and if you've done this before let me know how! Help a girl out haha 


-Rosie :) 

& Remember: ;)

Tuesday 4 December 2012


So today was my official "First Workout" Since I started this blog....well yesterday.. I know I feel like we've known each other longer too!! Woahh k we're getting off topic... you're just so much fun to talk to... 

So heres what I did or rather attempted doing... Hey Don't Judge me I admit I'm out of shape! 
200 sit ups
Some lady push ups... like four... but it still counts...(does it really?) 
I did some weights mostly worked on my arms 

and took a break to write this... 

Oh and I had 3 Cucumbers, and 2 Celery sticks for Breakfast
I had a Chicken Pita and a Chickpea Salad for lunch 

List of Workout Music to be updated soon.. I promise :) 


Monday 3 December 2012


Hello my Lovelies (Yes I know I'm talking to myself) 

Here are some GREAT TIPS

1) Go to the Dollar Store and Get a bunch of measuring cups and spoons! 
2) Gets some measuring tape! 
3) Get some Candy 
4) K NO CANDY, but get a notebook to write down your progress or keep it on your phone or Start a blog! (Hey I'd follow you) ;) 
5) Download some crazy good workout music! I will post some of my personal favourites later! 
7) & SMILE .... you're doing something amazing :) & I love you...(too fast? ok I get it...we can be friends for now...) 



I don't know how many people this blog will attract, but I hope it helps us! So basically I'm a 20 year old girl whose over weight, and I've been trying to lose it my whole life. I've tried it all and somehow it never works ( I say as I eat my second piece of yummy yummy chocolate cake) , so I'll tell you my weight if you promise to keep it a secret (shhh) you see the whole point of this blog is for us to help each other, I'm not a professional or anything. I just needed a diary I could rant to while I do this, I'm starting this is it, for sure this time! (I think...). So even if no one ever sees this I guess I'll always have it. Your job? Hold me accountable!!! I need to do this. So here it goes!

Im 227lbs (pounds) , thats a lot I know... trust me I know.

We'll call mondays weigh/measure in days! YAY! A reason to love MONDAYS! (Other than Gossip Girl that is)

This will be fun I promise!

Now heres a funny picture of a Giraffe.... ( I don't know why, we all need a little funny sometimes)

Oh and here are my current Measurements: (In inches)
Arms: 14"
Thighs: 24"
Calf: 16"
Hips: 43"
Waist: 41"
Bust: 47"
Neck: 15"

YIKES! I know right? & yes im measuring my neck!

OHH and Im 5'6 (Five foot six!)

Now... we need a catch phrase...

- Rosie