Monday 11 February 2013


On February 4th I was 240 lbs, my all time high, and I freaked and made a life change. 95% of my diet has become fruits and vegetables the other 5% is chicken or meat and as for drinks I've only been drinking Green Tea with Lemon Slices

Today it is February 11 and I am 232 lbs, thats an 8lb loss, which is AMAZING. I feel better, healthier I'm not as tired and it has become a fun challange to find yummy healthy foods, so so far here are some of the ones I love:

1) Tomato Soup with TONS of veggies
2) Cauliflower Pizza (Yet to try this but looks Amazing)
3) Green Tea with LOTS OF LEMON (gives it a great taste and its good for you!) 
4) Baked Carrot sticks with olive oil and salt! (Great sub for traditional fattening french fries) 
5) Chick Pea Salad: Chickpeas, purple onion, carrots and parsley! AMAZING For the dress mix lemon, salt and olive oil


- RosieJane 

Thursday 7 February 2013


I thought I'd compile a fun list of reasons to be thin: 

1) When sales go on and the only size left is an XS or S you can buy it! Seriously being fat is expensive, if I lose weight I can afford to quit my second job 

2) Getting hit on gets a lot less creepier... well less creepy people hit on you 

3) You are not mistaken for the mother every time you hold a newborn

4) In a zombie apocalypse you can run... 

5) When you say you're not hungry people don't look at you like you're crazy

6) You don't look like you're about to eat your best friend anytime you stand next to her

7) Your pant size will be less than your age 

8) You can eat a lot without people looking at you like you're crazy 

9) You don't get winded going up and down the stairs

10) People aren't constantly lying to you about how great you look 

If you have anymore add them in the comments!!!! 


-LadyRosieJane (I'm fancy yo)


Hello my lovelies, 

So just for record this is what I ate today: 

 Salad: Parsley, tomatoes and cucumbers 
Dressing: Lemon and Olive Oil 

Salad: Same as above
One spoon of Humus (no bread)
Grape leaves stuffed with veggies and rice 

 Tomato Soup with Carrots, Celery, Green onions, Purple Onions, Greek Seasoning, and Oregano 

Also weight for today 234lbs 

I will update if anything changes

Remember Drink Lots of Green Tea with Lemon, Lots of water and Watch SUITS!!! 



Wednesday 6 February 2013


Dear Diary, 

I started this blog so that I could tell the world without really telling the world the struggles of my weight loss, I started it and I was happy and excited and then life did its thing and I gained weight instead 3 Days ago I weighed myself before bed, and I was 240lbs, I freaked out, as you can probably imagine, so I decided to take action (again) but this time real action, I weighed my self this morning and I was 234lbs, and I know what you're all thinking (well what me and that one random who accidentally stumbled upon this are thinking), its all water weight? Right? Well thats how its supposed to start and I am determined. I realize I am in no position to keep giving advice without always taking it, but lets say I take it this time. 

So Online Diary that everyone can see but no one does, heres what I found helpful: 

1) Take a picture of the article of clothing you hope to fit into by a certain date, set it as your phone screen saver and look at it through out the day to remind yourself

2) When you're working out pretend Jillian is there yelling her skinny ass off at you, I swear my imagination is so vivid I almost peed myself. 

3) When you mess up which you will no matter what (Motivating Right?) DO NOT GIVE UP , you're going to feel lousy and bad and horrible and ashamed but don't let it stop you!!! Please just get back up and for your next meal have something healthy, do some sit-ups, run a little, I promise you will fell back on track . 

I know I keep telling you I'm going to update my measurements and weight but I guess I'm just ashamed, because in the end I know this journal/blog/diary is going to be for me to look back at and no one likes failure, but like I said its not failure, and without obstacles its not a challenge and well lets be honest what fun is that? 

So to all my obstacles, black ice, and potholes that try to slow me down, stop me, or send me flying in the wrong direction of incoming traffic *ahem*ahem* black ice *ahem*ahem* I have two words for you, in the name of the great and legendary Barney Stinson, CHALLENGE ACCEPTED 


Rosie Jane <3